Bumped into two of my favorite students on campus today: Leticia and Mayra (Incidentally, these are the two fine young women who introduced me to Lady Gaga!).
They took English 1B with me -- Leticia took 1A with me, too. Neither of them are English majors - neither of them are in love with reading and writing, but we all connected that one semester. I love magical classes like that, when the students simply sign up to fulfill a GE requirement and become invested in the community of learners. That's what makes the college experience. It's tough to come by here at San Jose State, what with all of the budget cuts and canceled classes a student fee hikes. That kind of connection--an almost loving connection to a class--is much more common at small private colleges where students are privileged to attend. I was lucky enough to get such an undergraduate experience, and I overflow with joy when I hit upon a class in large, underfunded, urban university that happens to function like the small-liberal-arts-college seminar.
Yea for students!