Sunday, February 8, 2009

My students don't know it yet . . .

I'm making my first post of the semester.  My students will soon be making theirs.  

This semester we'll be posting our emerging thoughts about what writing and design mean and how we can use them to reach our communication goals.  We'll also be writing pieces of advocacy.  I believe that one of the most--if not the most--important uses of writing is advocacy.  We can all influence our public spheres with our writing!

My students this semester do not know much about me yet.  For example, they do not know that I am always trying to link my teaching to public action using writing.  I'm even part of a smart group of people trying to do this at universities and colleges all over California.


  1. Wow! How awesome, the person who i am assign to comment for my homework is my own professor! Well...Not really THAT awesome.... ANYWAYS. Not much to comment on about this post except that it is interesting that you are doing the same assignment as we all are. I kind of enjoy doing all this blogging, it seem really easy. PLEASE ASSIGN LESS READING! And looking forward to learning from you. :)

  2. a little cocky there eh cathy... "smart group of people"... i'm just kidding
