Monday, January 24, 2011

It's Pledge Season

I'm about to start a new semester, and my students will probably be taking a peek at my blog. We'll do two truths and a lie on the first day, so here is a "truth" about me: I'm a public radio junkie!

I'm guessing some of my students won't even know public radio or our local station KQED. So, I'm posting this video to school them and entertain them (it's a loving homage and a witty mock)

1 comment:

  1. Do you listen to Cover to Cover Bookwaves with Richard Wolinsky? His show is at 3 pm on Thursdays at KPFA (public radio) but he also has his own website. He interviews the great and upcoming authors of our time, E.L Doctorow, William Gibson (coined the word "cyberspace"), Margaret Atwood, Lisa Sees, - it is very informative and he is very entertaining!
